Emmet and Mary Logan
The humble beginnings of Emmet Logan’s life led him to develop an early sense of stewardship. Mr. Logan’s family’s financial circumstances meant there was no money for college, but the benefaction of an uncle who had lost his eldest son made educational opportunities available. From his youth in Jersey City to his eventual career as an executive for United Parcel Service, Mr. Logan has always looked for ways to help those less fortunate than he.
Emmet Logan’s mother always instructed him to “make books his friends,” and Mr. Logan has maintained a lifelong love of reading because of those words. He credits books with providing him most of the knowledge he has gained in life. In tribute to this love of reading, the Emmet and Mary Logan Book Fund was established to provide money for the valedictorian and salutatorians from Moore County Schools’ Pinckney Academy who attend Sandhills.
Together with his wife, Dr. Mary Logan, he founded the Emmet and Mary Logan Assistance Program, which provides ten scholarships annually to full-time students, with preference given to single mothers or minority students who have demonstrated financial need in order to remain in school.
Mr. and Dr. Logan garner much gratification from their efforts to help underprivileged students overcome hurdles. They have collected over 70 notes and cards of thanks from recipients, each of which bring them much satisfaction.
The Sandhills Community College bookstore and the newest classroom building, Logan Hall, home of the English and Math Departments, and the Kelly Tutoring Center, are named for the Logans.